The Singing Blade Quest Guide

Dragon Age: The Veilguard The Singing Blade Quest Guide

This is a complete walkthrough for the main quest The Singing Blade of Dragon Age: The Veilguard's campaign. See this guide for quest information, objectives, and major decisions!

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Shadows Crossing Into the Crossroads

The Singing Blade Overview

The Singing Blade
Location Arlathan Forest
Rewards ・1,850 XP
・300 Gold
・Increased bonds with current companions
・My Regards (Uncommon Shortbow)
Solas has lost his lyrium dagger, an ancient magical artifact of great power. Harding is eager to return to the site of his ritual, hoping to find the dagger before it falls into the wrong hands.

The Singing Blade Objectives

Speak With Lace Harding

The Singing Blade - Speak with Harding

Returning to the ritual site, Lace Harding appears like she's brooding. Talk to her.

Harding: I should've taken the shot.
Choice Consequence
We all carry blame. Neve approves.
Harding approves.
We need to support each other. Does not affect Approval.
Maybe you should've. Does not affect Approval.

Find the Lyrium Dagger

The Singing Blade - Find The Dagger
Solas seems to have left behind his dagger when you interferred with the ritual. Find a way into the ruins to recover it.

As you head inside, past the double doors, Harding notes that something must have taken the dagger. You'll see the small figure of a Ghoul just in front. Chase after it.

Retrieve the Lyrium Dagger

The Singing Blade - Retrieve The Dagger
After having dealt with the Darkspawn that have taken the dagger, you come to a mechanism that you use to open the gate. There's a Chest that will literally be in your way, so don't forget to loot it.

Continue following the quest marker to track down the Ghoul. You'll come to an open area where you'll have to fight some enemies. Clear that, then get to a bridge that has Blight blocking your way.

Defeat The Lyrium Ghoul

The Singing Blade - Defeat The Lyrium Ghoul
After clearing the way from the bridge, continue following the path. You'll run into more Darkspawn until you eventually reach a cliffside and go head-to-head with the Lyrium Ghoul. Defeat it to obtain the dagger.

A cutscene will play, powering up Lace Harding. You will then be boxed in with enemies. Beat all of the enemies that appear to finish the quest.

Ask Harding About Her New Powers

The Singing Blade - Ask About Lace

Ascertain the nature of Lace's newfound powers.

Harding: Dwarves have never used magic. We can't
Choice Consequence
It's all just weird. You've informed Harding that you find her new magic bizarre.
I think it's a gift. You encourage Harding to accept that her new magic is a gift.
I don't like this. You've admitted to Harding that her new magic feels dangerous to you.

Harding then talks about Stone sense, and how this new power makes her feel connected to her roots.

Harding: I hope you're right that this is a gift. I'd be heartbroken if it caused problems.
Choice Consequence
You're not a problem.. Harding romance progress.
I trust you. Does not affect Approval.
Just make sure to aim. Harding approves.
I'll keep an eye on you. Does not affect Approval.

Talk to Harding Again in Her Room

The Singing Blade - Talk to Harding in Her Room
After the talk with Harding and Neve, head over to Harding's room to talk to her once more.

Harding: They don't remember. No one remembers. We don't even know what we lost..
Choice Consequence
You're cute when focused. Harding romance progress.
Am I interrupting? Does not affect Approval.
You lost me. Does not affect Approval.
Start making sense. Does not affect Approval.

Harding then explains what Isatunoll means, and what it means for her and the Dwarves.

Harding: I am. We are. This. And that. Here. There. Now. And forever.
Choice Consequence
I like that you're excited. Harding approves.
Right. If you say so. Does not affect Approval.
This isn't helping. Does not affect Approval.

Regardless of what choices you pick during this conversation, Harding's approval of you will go up.

The Enemy of My Enemy Sub-Quest

Speak With Solas

The Enemy of My Enemy - Speak With Solas
To proceed with the next quests, you have to first contact Solas and ask him a few questions. Follow the quest marker until you reach the Meditation Chamber.

Place the 4 Keepsakes to reach Solas. This segment is mainly an interaction, so proceed with the choices that fit with your preferred playstyle. Note that your choices can affect future Dialogue Options.

Consult With The Team

The Enemy of My Enemy - Consult With The Team

After speaking with Solas, you need to check in with Varric and Neve. These are also purely interactions, so just mind your choices, but they shouldn't really affect quest progression.

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